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Through the activity of buy / sell / exchange, O’CD already proposes a recycling of culture: the second-hand circuit makes it possible to give several lives to the products by multiplying the owners. Culture must be shared in order to live and last!

This awareness of the need for recycling goes hand in hand with an eco-responsible conscience. Since its beginnings, O’CD has been attentive to the use of natural and noble materials: shop furniture is made of medium (compressed wood shavings), envelopes and big bags given at the checkout are made of kraft, the spots that light up the shops are LEDs, the loyalty card is made of recycled paper, etc.


Please note that there is no legal basis for the return and disposal of polycarbonate (90% of the material used in the composition of CDs and DVDs). This means that if your products are not eligible for return or exchange at O’CD, we will not store them but we will take care of recovering them in order to give them a second life (donation to associations, artistic partnerships etc…).

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